Five Ancestors or Five Elders Boxing

Wuzu Quan / Wuzu Heyang Quan

                Form of southern Chinese martial arts from Fujian province. It is popular in Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhanzhou, Jinjiang, and Longxi. The system was developed by Cai Yiming, a native of Jinjiang. Cai learned martial arts from childhood. When he was a young adult, a martial arts teacher named He Yang came to Jinjiang from Henan province. Cai studied under him, and when He Yang later passed away Cai accompanied He Yang's coffin to Henan. Cai stayed in Henan for ten years and studied with numerous teachers. He took the best of what he learned and created the Wuzu system. The system combines elements of Luohan, White Crane, Monkey, Damo, and Taizu Changquan.

The system places an emphasis on using a kind of fajing, whereby the practitioner drops his shoulders and explosively shudders at the point of impact.

The system has enjoyed great popularity in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines, and is probably the origin of much of Okinawan karate.

Sifu Chan Kok Eng's Version

In the ambiguity of Chinese history, abysmal and enigma at times, many forms of martial arts came into prominence. It was no wonder. Chinese history, with its numerous dynasties, was intermitted with chaos and civil wars. It was therefore imperative for most people to take up martial arts. In those days, the use of weapons was also considered part of martial art training. There were also the constant wars against invaders whom the Chinese generally classified as barbarians.

There was a sort of evolution in martial arts. Styles varied from region to region. In time they became distinctively different from each other. Forms and techniques varied from style to style. There were also countless feuds between practitioners of different styles. After each feud, the masters would be trying out new counters against the techniques of their foes. It became a sort of scientific development and proficiency in martial arts reach new horizons.

The barbarians also had martial arts of their own. Some of these were mastered by conniving Chinese working as spies for the barbarians. Many of these sympathizers of the barbarians were excellent pugilists. Sometimes they were discovered and had to flee. They would then to underground, trying to recruit new supporters and teaching them their arts.

Among all the styles, Shaolin boxing was the most prominent, so much so that it was synonymous with Kung Fu. Shaolin gained its fame from the time the monks of Shaolin Sze succeeded in repelling bandit attacks of enormous numbers. To the layman Shaolin is KungFu and Kungfu is Shaolin. This is not quite true. Shaolin Sze was the meeting point for many prominent pugilists of different styles.

Although China was theoretically united under one emperor it was actually divided and ruled by many warlords. Through intrigue or otherwise, many pugilists had to flee. Sometimes it was for crimes against the emperor and sometimes one or the other warlords wanted them.

Shaolin Sze was a haven of refuge for those fugitives. Once safely within the walls of the citadel they would share their arts with the resident monks. Thus the fighting skills of Shaolin exponents soared to tremendous heights with the influx of new blood into its system. It reached its peak during the fall of the Ming dynasty and during the Ching dynasty. Shaolin men initiated moves to topple the repressive rule of the Manchus. They were constantly thorns to the Manchus. They conducted revolutionary warfare against the conquerors. The Manchus spared no efforts to destroy them, culminating in the burning of Shaolin Sze. This did not bring about the end of Shaolin exponents. They scattered to the four winds, teaching their art and spreading the flame of revolution wherever they went.

Of all the Shaolin styles, the most controversial is Ngo Chor. Some claimed that it was given as a cover name, Ngo Chor of Five Ancestors signifying the five survivors of the Shaolin holocaust.

Others have claimed that it is a combination of five of the most famous Shaolin styles. This is not quite probable, but if it is do, then the art would be too comprehensive, for it takes as much as three decades to master one single system. It would be humanly impossible for one to master all five of them.

Ngo Chor, whatever its origin was, was reorganized and made famous some two hundred years again by a man named Chua Geok Beng. He did not create it, as some people are prone to believe.

The art is of Shaolin origin and hence it is Shaolin Ngo Chor.

According to Chan Kok Eng, who purports to be one of the surviving masters of Ngo Chor, the art is composed of five systems, namely Tai Chor, Crane, Lohan, Monkey, and that of the Fighting Nun.

"The Tai Chor system was evolved by the Emperor Sung Tai Chor. He had gathered the finest in the land to teach him martial arts. From the various arts he took the best and incorporated them into a blend of his own which he called Tai Chor art. At first it was only taught to the nobles, court officials and high-ranking military officers. Later, it was allowed to be propagated to others. It was said that the Emperor, being a staunch Buddhist made a pilgrimage to Shaolin Sze. On seeing the shrine of Bodidharma he was greatly moved. There and then he knelt before the shrine and acknowledging and proclaiming that his art was a product of Shaolin." Chan said.

"The Crane art was evolved from the movements of the crane. Hand postures and maneuvering are copied from those of a crane in battle. Hand strikes are likened to the flicking action of its wings and kicks like those of the legs."

"The Monkey art is generally termed Chay Teng Tai Seng, Tai Seng being the Monkey God of Chinese Buddhist mythology. It places emphasis on agility and dexterity, just like a monkey. Hand postures are held like the monkeys paws and used like the pawing action it utilize in battle. It is a fast and nimble art and is most suited for people of small stature."

"Lohan or Eighteen Immortals. However, most of us Ngor chor practitioners are attached to just one form of Lohan. In my case, Chan is attached to the Kit Chia Pang or BeggarsŐ style. It is the biggest one with the largest following."

"The final form is the NunŐs art. The nun Ngo Mei originated it. Bring a woman she had to develop her body to be able to withstand blows from male opponents. The style she developed was for infighting and very vicious, blows being delivered to vital parts like the groin and eyes."